The Chinese New Year will be celebrated on January 25th this year and for this exceptional occasion, Wild Joker Online Casino is drawing out the big offers! It will be the Year of the Rat and we can’t wait to pamper you with enormous gifts such as free spins, no deposit bonuses, free money and more. The Rat is the first animal in the Chinese Zodiac and people born under this sign are considered to be very intelligent and lucky.
Above all, the Chinese New Year marks a new beginning and the chance to start anew. And with this concept in mind, Wild Joker Online Casino is coming up with the best online casino promotion for this event – just stick around to know more…
Wild Joker Online Casino will start celebrating the new Chinese Year as from the 14th of January and each day, a specific astrological sign will be the star. Now, what does this mean? It simply means that people born under the sign of that specific zodiac sign will be filled with goodies such as free spins on our slot machines, free money to try our famous pokies, no deposit bonuses to take over our slots and more.
Each day, leading up to the 25th of January, you’ll be able to claim something new and exciting and truly master the art of winning big at Wild Joker Online Casino. This endless bonanza will help you for the big day as well as we’ve got something amazing planned for that day 😉
And for this occasion, you can expect some exclusive free spins on some of the best RTG Chinese online pokies. Login every day at wildjoker3.com to receive your free spins, free money or no deposit bonuses to try our wide range of online slot machines.
You can definitely expect to spin the reels of Tiger Treasures Video Slot, Fucanglong Video Slot, Derby Dollars Video Slot, Kung Fu Rooster Video Slot, Fu Chi Video Slot, Pig Winner Video Slot and win on much more slot games. Our unique online casino promotion for the Chinese New Year will increase your wealth and get you in the mood of this great time of year.
Chinese New Year Offers
Wild Joker Online Casino always goes big on special events and dishes out the wildest online casino offers in Australia. The Chinese new year is no different and we’ll be giving away some of the best free spins, no deposit bonuses, free money and more to play our online slot machines.
The most important part is the celebration of all the astrological zodiac signs of the Chinese. So whether your sign is the Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig or Rat, you’ll definitely get something exclusive.
And if it is your first time at Wild Joker Online Casino? Then claim this big welcome offer now:
300% Bonus up to $2,000. Code: WELCOME-300
Join us in celebrating the Chinese New Year and take home some big gifts (such as free spins, no deposit bonuses, free money and more) for this very special online casino Chinese New Year promotion on Wild Joker Online Casino. Gong Hei Fat Choy!